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Essential Wellness Plan Cats – Vets4pets
March 28, 2017

Essential Wellness Plan Cats

Every cat needs a plan.  Consistent preventive care is essential, even with young, healthy cats.  This Essential Wellness Plan establishes and manages baselines of wellness information to help keep your cat healthy.


  • Comprehensive physical exam (2x)

This in-depth evaluation assesses your cat’s overall health and establishes important baseline information for you and your veterinarian.

  • Vaccinations*

Protects against the most important infectious diseases your cat can get.

  • Diagnostic testing including bloodwork, internal organ screens, leukemia**, feline immunodeficiency virus** and ear swab**

Identifies disease, parasites and infections.  Catches issues early before they become more serious and harder to treat.  Builds baselines for current and future care.

  • Fecal exam (2x) and deworming (4x)

Detects and treats parasites and other intestinal organisms that can cause disease.


  • Unlimited free office visits

No need to delay when you have a concern about your cat’s health!

  • 10% OFF

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